
GLOW – Discover the real you by Chara Clarke

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Many women can hide behind a mask while internally they are broken, abused, lacking in confidence and when a compliment is given to them, what should be received as positive praise, can often be misconstrued as a negative criticism.

This book will take you on a journey to acknowledge and embrace your qualities, strengths, abilities and teach you how to Discover the Real You!’

As you read these inspirational stories of women, you will soon realise that you’re not on your own, many others have taken this path of rediscovering their true selves.

They have journeyed through trials and have overcame them with the help of GLOW. Now, these women share their stories in this book, stories that will cause your heart to leap for joy and your soul to rejoice, as you will celebrate that within your hands you have found a way out!

They’re stories are honest and inspiring, each one sharing a light to guide you on your path.

These women all completed the 10 steps of guidance within this book and it’s changed their lives, now it’s your turn to GLOW as you Discover the Real YOU!’

This book will take you on a proven journey, including how to…

– Develop your space.

  • – Develop your space.
  • – Be honest with yourself.
  • – Embrace your qualities and strengths.
  • – 10 step guide of how to?
  • – Journal your steps.
  • – Set positive goals.
  • – And so much more!


GLOW – Giving Life Opportunities to Women



It all began in 2008 with a small group of women who wanted to reach out into the community in a practical way. They held pamper nights and Christmas dinners for local women from all communities, connecting and building relationships while breaking down religious and social barriers that had stood for generations.

They discovered that no matter what community women come from, many face the same situations such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, financial difficulties, family issues and much more. In 2012 they delivered their first Personal Development Programme to help women build their confidence and set positive goals in life.

Since 2012, several hundred women has come through the programmes and activities. They have introduced new programmes that help develop the individual and equip them with whatever they need to reach their potential.

Their heart is for every woman to believe she is valuable and created for a purpose. They are passionate to come alongside women and help them discover their ambitions, dreams, and desires; to embark upon the life they were created for.

Many of those who have went through the programmes have found work or returned to work, qualified as life coaches, volunteered with local community groups, set up their own businesses and have built positive lasting friendships.

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