
Some Distinctions of the Christian Life by Timothy Cross

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What are the distinctions of the Christian life that set us apart from our neighbours in a way that pleases God? In his book, ‘Some Distinctions of the Christian Life,’ Bible teacher and author, Dr Timothy Cross, answers that question by showing how, in God’s eyes, His people are different from unbelievers; how they are His special people, His Royal Priesthood. Therefore, living an ‘ordinary’ life based on the world’s values, isn’t an option.

The author introduces ten practical, Bible-based ‘distinctions’ of the Christian life, which if followed, will ensure that our spiritual lives mature, and our relationship with Jesus Christ will deepen. The book defines values, disciplines, attitudes and habits, that will help followers of Jesus Christ become true disciples. Mature Christians, even pastors who aren’t afraid to be challenged concerning their role in preaching the ‘whole counsel of God’ to their flock, will find this a valuable asset as they measure and test their own experience and what they teach, against these distinctions.

Scriptures warn us that in the last days, “Perilous times will come.” We are already seeing a manifestation of the worst kind of sinful lifestyles and behaviours ever witnessed. And we know that, “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Today, like never before, Christian leaders and followers alike, need to be on their guard to ensure they stay aligned with Truth, and don’t succumb to the deception and temptation of worldly values. Dr Cross has produced a blueprint to help us stay on track in light of God’s Word, living lifestyles pleasing to God, while withstanding the enemy’s attacks and deceptions.

About the author

Dr Timothy Cross has many years of experience in releasing the unadulterated Word of God through both the written and spoken word. The author of over 30 Christian books, for which he has been awarded two honorary doctorates. A graduate of the University of Wales, he currently resides in Cardiff, where he is a deacon in a local church. When not studying or writing, he indulges in his life’s passions of running and swimming.

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