A book needs fuel!
We don’t want you to spend all your time and money to create the perfect manuscript which you want the world to read, then to realise… one should have been working on the marketing? Maurice Wylie Media can help you fuel your book by branding, marketing and creating excellent PR which we have already accomplished with our clients. We can create your own stylist website that becomes your platform allowing you to increase sales of your books or if you don’t have the time to manage the site – this can be done for you.
A few things to consider. If you don’t know how to find or reach your readers, don’t have an online presence, don’t have the time to spend online or dislike social media, want to be in a brick-and-mortar type of bookstore and have a Maurice Wylie Media handle the marketing for you then we can discuss what is best for you?
Our mission statement: Reach the maximum amount of people with a quality product to help lives!